Getting Started

Welcome to Quicklysign API Documentaion

To get started, create a developer account in our Sandbox environment, this will allow you to generate an API key that you can use to start making API calls within our demo environment.

To register your developer account, you can go to
To watch a walkthrough DEMO on generating your access token go to Creating your access token

Documents sent through the Sandbox are not legally binding.

Once you've completed your testing on our sandbox environment and are ready to have a live account, go to and register an account.


If you're currently using V0 of the api, please see migration guide here


We try to keep all our url endpoints RESTful. Most endpoints will support up to 4 HTTP verbs.

HTTP VerbDescription
GETFetches an entity or list of entities (more on this later)
POSTCreates an entity
PUTUpdates an entity
DELETEDeletes an entity

Usage of these is outlined below.

Data formats

All data posted is in JSON Format.
All responses are JSON formatted.

URL Structure

The basic url structure used throughout the api is as follows:

Base url


  • All url's include a version after the base url. base_url/v1
  • Currently there are 2 versions available, the latest being v1.


  • A minor change to note between the v0 and v1 API process we've introduced using /v1/document_packs instead of /v0/document.
  • To see above fields in action, to grab all document_packs for your sandbox account you'll use: base_url/v1/document_packs
  • To grab just a single/specific document pack using it's unique key, you'll simply provide the document_packs API with a <document_key>: base_url/v1/document_packs/<document_key>.


  • A minor change to note between the v0 and v1 API process we've introduces the team_key as a parameter to our /v1/document_packs API.
  • For example, fetching documents belonging to a team/workspace: GET base_url/v1/document_packs?team_key=<team_key>

See our walkthrough DEMO's here, starting from creating your access token to setting up your first document_pack and sending it off for signatures! Start your walkthrough process here > Creating your access token

Response Structure

All responses have an envelope as follows:

    "status": {
        "status_code": 200,
                     {"code":"warning code",
			                "message":"warning message"
    "data": {
    "pagination": {
        "next": "..."

Status will return code 200 for successful operations, 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorised and 500 for internal server errors.
If there are warnings, but the request was successful, those will be included in the status.
The information property also isn't always shown unless needed.

In the event that status code 400, 401 or 500 is used, there will be an errors property which will contain details about the error.

Note that http status code is in the http response headers too.

Example error response

        "status_code": 400,	 
			             {"code”:"error code",
			              "message":"the error message"
                    {"code":"warning code",
			               "message":"warning message"

Contains the data that is being returned. This could be an object or list of objects.

Pagination will only be present when fetching collections of data. The “next” property takes the form of a url with the next cursor included in the url.

For clients that can't parse http error responses

Add the query string parameter always_use_http_status_code_200=true
This will return the http request with 200 status code, but the body will have the actual error.
Example clients that don't support parsing http error response:

  • .net WebClient