Reorder documents in Template pack (QuicklySign Financial)
I have created a template with multiple attachments. When I reorder the uploaded documents (by clicking and dragging to the correct position), it does not save the order when I exit the template pack (even though I saved the pack). Is there some trick involved or something I am missing?
Posted by Ally F over 1 year ago
We make use of Quicklysign in our environment. The system when used on the network with our devices, generates x2 OTP pins. This causes an issue with the users ability to authenticate. Please advise how to resolve this
I did multiple tests over the past two days and herewith my feedback:
Posted by KENEILWE DITHLAGE over 1 year ago
How to get the OTP sent to the user(s)?
If the application sends the OTP to the user where do you store the sent messages? Is maybe URL that specifies the location of messages sent to the recipient?
Posted by bulelani mdeyidi over 5 years ago